Member Success Stories
Jason Lee Cruz
Testimonial by Jason Lee Cruz, GovGuam employee and Paradise Fitness member since 2006. "I was diagnosed with lupus in 1991 and ever since then, I've picked up a healthy lifestyle of working out... The doctors said to keep doing what you're doing because it's helping control the lupus....Being blind, using crutches, having lupus, there really is no excuse for anybody. If I can do this, anybody can do this."
In just 3 months doing TRX yoga, Ginny Kosedes, at age 68, no longer needed assistance to get off the ground. Her goal was to increase her mobility and range of motion, cut down on her medication, and improve the quality of her life.
Joe Rosario started just doing cardio until he got comfortable enough to try weights. This led to discovering a lot more personal potential than he imagined. Now he considers Paradise Fitness home. He’s comfortable. His Paradise journey started at 270 lbs. and he is now well under 200 lbs. He’s still got goals, including building more muscle, and he’s found a supportive community to welcome and encourage him along the way.
Paradise Fitness has helped so many islanders lose unwanted weight, improve their stamina, boost their confidence and well-being, find a supportive community of like-minded, every day people, and even repair the wear and tear on their bodies while developing a physique they can feel happy about.
Community Values
Regardless of fitness level, ability or location, Paradise Fitness and Special Olympics are inclusive organizations that open their doors to others, meeting people wherever they are along their fitness journey, helping them get to a healthier place.
Corporate Wellness
Our Corporate Wellness program embraces the truth that a fit workforce makes for a healthier business. Wellness programs are essential for companies who want to protect their employees, their most valuable assets.